5A1CОписание: Комментарий автора: I've always wanted to do a sequel of one of my AMVs, and one day i was hearing a song from Alily, and I've said " yes this is it ... i want to do it, the 5W1H sequel , with this song " .... so this time the girl will tells what heppend to her after what she did (remember here: 5W1H), of course it's always the same anime "Bakemonogatari" the same style, but the technic is some how diffrent, I think that this time i applied all my ideas. I hope that you'll enjoy, even if i'm scared , and i've really hesitate to do a squel because i know that lot of persons hate them >< So this was the little story, just to have those f** 200 caracters... sorry for my bad english >.< Аниме: Bakemonogatari Музыка: Alily - A Song for Ron Mental and Sidney Bishop Ваша оценка:
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